Chocolate Tahini Spread

A simple three ingredient chocolate spread that satisfies the sweet tooth.

This has easily become one of our favorite treat. As someone who has grown up eating Nutella with bread I was so excited to try out a simpler, healthier, cruelty free alternative! And unlike Nutella, this recipe has more powerful antioxidants and healthy fats. Plus it's a good source of zinc and iron!

Why You Will Love This Recipe

  • So simple and quick to make.
  • Healthy alternative to store bought chocolate spreads.
  • No fancy equipment needed to make this.
  • Tastes so good!

What Ingredients Go into Chocolate Tahini Spread?

This chocolate tahini spread is so simple it only requires three ingredients:

  • Tahini - preferably a creamy brand
  • Cocoa Powder - can also use cacao powder
  • Maple Syrup - or any other sweetener of your choice, for example, agave or powdered sugar

What is Tahini?

Similar to making a nut butter, tahini is blended sesame seeds to create a creamy paste. It is commonly found in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean dishes.

Does the Chocolate Tahini Spread taste like Nutella?

This recipe doesn't necessarily taste like Nutella, but it sure scratches that itch for a chocolatey rich treat! And even though this recipe isn't sugar free, it is better than Nutella or other store bought chocolate spreads. Using alternative sweeteners, such as maple syrup and agave, is still better than commonly used sugars. Again, this doesn't make it "healthy", but it definitely is healthier than Nutella.

How to Make Chocolate Tahini Spread

Things to Note About Tahini:

  • Not all store bought tahini are the same, some can be much creamier than others.
  • We prefer to buy ours from our local Persian shop.
  • The tahini sold by Trader Joe's is very dry and thick, this isn't the easiest to mix with a fork and will leave you with a less creamy spread.
  • Be sure to mix your tahini in the jar, the oils tend to separate.

How to Store

This chocolate tahini spread should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Pairing Suggestions

  • Over toast
  • With fruit, such as banana and strawberries
  • Granola or oatmeal
  • Over pancakes or waffles
  • As a crepe filling

Chocolate Tahini Spread

A simple three ingredient recipe that satisfies the sweet tooth with no processed sugars.
Prep Time5 minutes
Total Time5 minutes
Course: Dessert, Snack


  • 1 cup Tahini
  • cup Maple Syrup or to your desired sweetness
  • ½ cup Cocoa Powder or cacao powder
  • 1 pinch Flaky Salt optional


  • Use a fork or whisk to mix the cocoa powder, tahini, and maple syrup until smooth.
  • Transfer to an airtight container and store in the fridge for up to one week.


If your tahini is a thick dryer paste, consider using an immersion blender.
besitos, J & R

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